What I like most about working from home

I’m not just a Mom. But I’m devoted to being a Mother. I’m not just a career woman. But I love the work I do.

Of course, I’m much more then both of these things… although some days it doesn’t seem like it!

It’s too bad that women are forced so often to make a choice between home and career. It’s really a tragedy.

I refuse to make that decision and that’s why I work from home. I’m here for my children 100%, and run my own business — finally making much more than I could expect from most jobs in my area. A home business has it’s share of challenges – but in the end what I love the most about working from home is not having to make a choice.

What do you love the most about working from home?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Lisa Stein owns FreelanceMom.com, is a college business professor and a mom to Gabriela and Elle. Lisa is dedicated to playing a part in helping women and moms run a business they love, help support themselves and their family and create a flexible lifestyle. You can find her online on Facebook and Twitter or at home burning something in the kitchen.