Moms — Take a Deep Breath!

Work at Home Moms are juggling far more then the average woman. We’re taking care of our children full time and many of us are working longer hours than the average ‘full time’ job. We’re running our households and trying to give enough nurturing to our spouses and to ourselves. Wow – that’s a lot to juggle!

Thanks to our Mothers and Grandmothers, we all grew up understanding that women have unlimited choices and potential to achieve anything that we desire out of life. And yet, as mothers, we have certain choices that can absolutely drive us insane. Should we pursue a career, or should we stay at home. If we stay at home, what message does that give to our daughters about their own potential? If we go to work, what value does that place on Motherhood?

If we work at home, how do we strike a balance between success in our business, and balance in our home?

We aren’t superwoman, and then again – we really are!

Ultimately, what makes a good mother is a safe place for a child to turn to, where they always know they are loved. Ultimately, what makes a great wife is a woman who despite differences of opinions, trusts and believes in her husband. And to be a good business woman? You simply have to believe in YOURSELF!

Balance in life is crucial, and so is growth. But growth doesn’t always have to do with your financial goals. Growth today can be sitting for an hour with your four-year-old and really paying attention to what they have to say. Or growth can be getting a babysitter for an afternoon, and doing something completely creative by yourself!

Here’s to not losing sight of our true selves in our quest for perfection and success. And don’t forget that success is ultimately measured by the feeling in your heart!


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Lisa Stein owns, is a college business professor and a mom to Gabriela and Elle. Lisa is dedicated to playing a part in helping women and moms run a business they love, help support themselves and their family and create a flexible lifestyle. You can find her online on Facebook and Twitter or at home burning something in the kitchen.