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New Home Business Tip Work From Home Ideas and Tips - Archive

The following are different home business tips and advice that have been archived:Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4


Get Dressed!

That's right! Get up and the morning, get showered and dressed. When we first leave our corporate jobs behind to work from home - it seems like a fringe benefit to get lazy about our appearance.

But as business gets steady -- we need to be at our professional best while we're working more then ever. And part of being professional is being dressed and cleaned! Sure our clients or customers may never know that we're in our slippers, but we know it. And subconsciously it begins to effect how we view our work as well.

So trust me, get up and get dressed like you're heading to the office and your day will be far more productive. Plus your kids will think they've got one pretty Mommy!


Don't put all your eggs in one basket!

One of the great virtues of working from home is the ability to earn income from different places, rather then from one brick and mortar job. When you lose your brick and mortar job -- you're in trouble! Don't allow yourself to be so vulnerable working from home.

You need to continually be looking at different ways to increase your income. You might have affiliate sales, google adsense websites and a direct sales opportunity you are promoting along side your regular client work.

Make sure you nurture each of the income streams you create on a regular basis. You never know when you might find that a client forgets to pay you, or your google check is half what it was the month before! In those instances, you need to have a backup plan.

Think ahead and never get too comfortable with your current circumstances!


Network Marketers -- you need a better website!

Are you a Network Marketer with a website? How does your website stand out? When someone reads your site copy, do you think they have any idea what they would actually be doing if they signed up under you?

I see a lot of websites out there that focus on all the great benefits of working from home, and all the stress and pain you can avoid by doing it. I think that approach is old. People already are sold on working from home - you don't need to waste your time trying to do that. Instead tell them what they will be doing exactly if they sign up under you. Give them your success story. Share with them your goals and achievements. Help them learn to trust you and to trust the bizop.


7 Tips on Balancing Work and Kids

1. Smile!
Smiling is contagious. Babies and children especially can’t help but return a smile. There is no surer way to change an insane atmosphere then to smile. Even if the atmosphere doesn’t change… you’ll still feel better!

2. Set aside time in your day.
When the kids know that there is time that they can count on certain times when they are guaranteed your attention - it is easier for them to hold off interruptions. When it’s the kids time, make sure you really give them your attention. We tend to have so much that we are juggling in our mind that we can be on autopilot when we talk with our kids. We may answer their questions, but we didn’t really hear them. We would be personally hurt if our spouses treated us this way… and yet we so often do it to our children. Kids are so grateful for attention and conversation!

3. Offer suggestions.
At the beginning of the day, think of some activities your kids haven’t done in awhile that you know they will enjoy. Help them to get the toys down from shelves, or dug out from the toybox. I have found that a lot of times kids don’t play with their toys simply because they are hard for them to access.

4. Thank them.
When you get done with a phone call and your kids have been quiet — thank them! Let them know how much it helped you. We tend to only reprimand. It’s important to let them know when we see they’ve been good.

5. Keep your composure.
If you are on the phone with a client and you have an outburst from your kids — don’t let it spoil the call. Lightly joke to the client that he’ll have to excuse your ‘little helpers’ today… Almost everyone you run across has kids or grandkids. And if they don’t — they still will think it’s terrific that you are able to be home with them. Especially if they sense that you are confident that you can get their job done and are not apologetic for or embarrassed about your working conditions.

6. Find your rhythm.
The key to balance is rhythm. Set a schedule that works for your clients AND works for your family. Have some flexibility on both sides - but let each side know what they can generally expect from you. Communicate to them when there are changes in your priorities that day. If you need to feed the kids quickly and get back to work on a time sensitive project — let the kids know that you wish you could sit down with them and you really are going to miss that time today. Tell them you can’t wait until 3:00 when you get to take a break…

7. Don’t be afraid of change.
If you are finding it is impossible to balance your work load with your family life… something is going to have to give. It could be your daily schedule, it could be childcare help, it might even be letting go of the client. In the end, we are choosing this lifestyle to enrich our family life. Always keep that in perspective.

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