Sometimes it Pays to Say NO!

There’s an old saying in the freelance world, “It’s either feast of famine”. Inevitably a freelancer will find themselves either with no work at all – or with more than they can possibly handle! Because of the piece work way… [Read More]

WordPress plugins – My Faves!

I’ve worked with tons of wordpress blogs, for myself and for clients, and over time have come up with a group of plugins that I feel are ‘must have’! Here they are: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1. AddThis If you look at the… [Read More]

Working smarter, not harder.

Over the years I’ve been able to watch my business and businesses of my clients grow leaps and bounds. And I’ve learned a thing or two about automating your business and finding ways to save time and save money. As… [Read More]

Writing search engine optimized articles

Whether you are writing for your own website or you are a freelance writer for other websites, you probably have heard some buzz about search engine optimization. Probably the best way to help a website show up in search results… [Read More]

9 Advantages to Companies Who Let Their Employees Telecommute

1. Increased productivity and commitment from employees. The flexibility working from home offers to employees who have to care for children or other relatives allows them to perform better at their job. They require less time off, and are generally… [Read More]

Avoiding the pitfalls of blogging addiction

I’ve long been an avid reader of MarketingProfs. They are one of the great sites on the web that consistently provides relevant, useful and original content. This morning there was an article in their newsletter that caught my attention: The Dark Side of Blogging: Warnings from Leading Bloggers. Talk about a hook… how could I ignore a title like that?

Stop Procrastinating! Advice to Small Business Owners.

We’ve all been there. The list of things to do has grown so enormous that it’s second only to the mounting dirty dishes in the kitchen sink! When things get this bad it becomes paralyzing. There is so much to… [Read More]